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(UPDATE) Michael Reeves

Michael Reeves is currently on death row in Alabama for the 1996 robbery/murder he committed.

He was scheduled to be executed this month, but after a successful lawsuit against the state, a federal judge ordered his execution be halted.

U.S District Court Judge Austin Huffaker sides with Michael in his lawsuit because it claims that Michael is intellectually disabled and he is unable to read or comprehend forms given to him by the Alabama department of corrections.

He claims they did not accommodate his needs or disabilities when they gave him a form asking him to choose which method of execution he wanted.

On one form, they gave him the option of dying by method of hydrogen gas or choosing a different method. Michael chose hydrogen gas but when it was time for the upcoming execution, the state said they did not have that method of execution ready for inmates and it would have to be a different method.

That is when Judge Huffaker stepped in and made an order stating that hydrogen gas can be the only method of execution Michael can die by.

What are your thoughts? Should the inmate be given the right to choose?

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