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Writer's pictureDeath Row Executions

Oldest Man on Death Row Set to Die-Carl Wayne Buntion

Carl Wayne Buntion is 77 years old and he has been on Texas' death row for over 30 years.

Today on January 4th 2022, a judge scheduled Carl's execution for April 21, 2022.


Back in 1990, Carl was released from prison and put on parole. He was free for 6 weeks and was pulled over on a routine traffic stop by Houston police officer James Irby. Carl was actually the passenger but not wanting to go back to prison, he fatally shot officer Irby in the head.

Carl was sentenced to death in 1991 and in 2009 after an appeal, the Texas Court vacated his death sentence. After a new trial, a jury sentenced him to death again in 2012 and he has been on death row ( a lot of years spent in solitary confinement) ever since.

Is it still worth it to kill an 80 yr old? Is it still justice when an execution takes over 30 years?

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Jan 05, 2022

Hey air its so good to see you have a web site at last! Im from the uk and love your stuff I watch it on youtube. I think this guy is so old why bother executing him? He will not be around too much longer unless he lives past 100!

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Hey, thank you so much :) . Imagine if he did like to be 100 though. The sentence would actually be life in prison without parole.


inspector gadget
inspector gadget
Jan 05, 2022

like i said in a previous article the justice system needs to be overhauled and make executions happen quicker or get rid of it completely which won't ever happen due to the fact that capital murder crimes only carry the death penalty now the whole 30 years is bullshit I agree but dude needs to finish his sentence no matter the age and for a simple traffic stop if he was just a passenger then for the most part he was innocent of any wrong doing its when he killed the officer that he made a life changing decision so under that fact he reaped what he sowed 95% of people on death row when their day comes up show…

inspector gadget
inspector gadget
Jan 05, 2022
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inspector gadget
inspector gadget
Jan 05, 2022

there is just a slight problem with the dates that are posted how could the judge schedule the dudes death on April 21st 2022 if the judge made the announcement june 4th 2022 lol ur either a time traveler or misprinted the year it's OK we still get the drift of the article but thought I'd be the barrer of the news 😉 😀 👍

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